Tuesday, October 7, 2008


evan did GREAT! he was so cute and charmed all the ladies there...he got a little nervous, but the hygienist and I were able to talk him down with promises of special prizes at the end.....he was so brave, then I had to let Grandma take him home and I just wanted to keep him and squeeze him and be the overly-emotional momma I am feeling like today........

AND, as if that's not enough....he starts school tomorrow!!! Uggghhhh.....he's killin' me!
I love my boy.


Michelle Y said...

Wow, I can't believe Evan is starting school, he'll do great, can't wait to hear all about it. Way to go Evan at the dentist, that is not easy! He's such a great kid.

jill s said...

that's awesome that he did so good at the dentist! :)