Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What if??

Okay, as posted, we found out Oct. 2nd that we're having another boy......I am elated! Girls scare me....having been a girl my whole life, I know what I would be in for...paybacks! HOWEVER, when we left the appointment, Adam was not convinced....we got a very brief look at "the goods" and she kept saying "I think", so Adam still thinks, Nubby might be a girl. Jill also thinks it's still a girl..... I kept telling them both they were out of luck, but I have to tell you....lately, I keep thinking "what if?"

I am WAY more moody than I was with Evan...I know every pregnancy is different, but Wow! I could scare a vampire in an alley on a dark night! So, I was talking to my friend Lisa about it and she said, "Are you sure you're having a boy??" She sent me a test based on a collection of old wives tales and you answer and then it computes your percentages...Well, I got a 23% chance of boy and 76% chance of girl....Well, I thought I was sure!!! And, I mostly still am that little Nubby is my second little man, but wouldn't that be crazy if it actually was a girl????

I think I may have to fake a pain in order to get another ultrasound...that's awful, I know....but I can't help it!!


jill s said...

yep. still not convinced.

i hope you get another ultrasound.

but not for anything scary.

just to check on the little one.

miss you.

Megan said...

As long as nubby is healthy it will all be okay. :) They weren't positive with Kaya either so I always wondered. Another ultrasound would be great though! Ateast so you can have some sanity and not keep wondering...
Hope you are all well!