Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's funny, the things that used to make me happy....everything clothes for me (don't get me wrong, that would still make me happy), new jobs, new toys...whatever it was that I wanted that made my happy.....and like I said, I wouldn't deny most of this stuff now, but that's not the point.....

HOWEVER, my point IS that the things that make me happiest now are things outside of myself...

Evan had preschool again today and is adjusting like a champ....When Grandma J got there he was dancing and they said he had joined the group and listened really well...I could cry for how happy this makes me...knowing he is getting some much needed social interaction and really enjoying it...this makes me so happy I want to do cartwheels...except well I can't 1. because i'm pregnant and 2. because the last time i tried i thought my wrists were going to break....

Watching Evan grow and learn new things, seemingly daily, just makes my heart want to explode...I'm so thankful we've had the first three years of his life with just really know him and see all his gifts and be able to nurture all of these things in him...I'm really thankful...Last night, we were in the bathroom brushing his teeth and we were talking about my belly getting big and all of a sudden he leaned down and really quietly said, "Hi Baby...Hiiiii"...He's never done that before, never even really acknowledged that he "got" that there was anything in there... and it was just the sweetest little moment. I think he's going to be a fantastic big brother...aside from the hitting, kicking, head butting, jealous outbursts, driving trains over baby's head...I'm just keepin' it real, folks... :)

ANYWAY, I know I'm overly emotional and hormonal, but I'm just really thankful for what a blessing Evan is in my life....Even when that blessing wakes me up at 5 a.m. to go play on the computer...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love him too and it's been entirely way to long since I've seen him. Are you guys planning anything for his upcoming birthday?