Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I feel . . .

I feel like I'm getting a cold.
I feel like I'm getting quite old.
I feel like I'm being so grumpy.
I feel like I'm looking quite frumpy.
I feel like I need a big flurry.
I feel like I need it in a hurry.
I feel like I need a hug.
I feel like I'm catching a bug.
I feel like this evening is poopy.
I feel like I'm acting so droopy.
I feel like I will feel better.
I feel like I might knit a sweater.
I feel like I should learn how to knit.
I feel like it would help, probably quite a bit.
I feel like going to Manistee.
I feel like I can soon, lucky me.
I feel like things are now looking up.
I feel like my flurry should have a BIG CUP.
I feel like I'm thankful for my family and friends. . . .
so now that my mood has changed, that's where this poem ends.


Unknown said...

Love your poetry as always! It is like music to my ears. COME HERE NOW!!! K? K!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome!! Love that you now have a blog...might want to change the password so that Jill can't hack into your blog!

Anonymous said...

that didn't go as planned.
but i hope the ice cream was good.
my diet coke was.
i hope you get to have a chill day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I love your poem! Very creative and cute - and who couldn't use a flurry now and then?!?!? Hope you are having a great day today. Ben and I are busy getting us all ready so that we can see you all very soon - in Manistee...YIPEE!! Love you!

Anonymous said...



(i think this means "i love you aunt kelly and uncle atom and cousin evan") :)

Anonymous said...

This is a test; I'll be back!

Anonymous said...

So are you feeling any better?

Why are you being a gloomy gus?

Won't be long now! We will be seeing you soon. Manistee here we come!

Love you - squeeze my baby for me!

Anonymous said...

look at all these comments!! :)

i hope you're feeling better today.


p.s. you rock the peanut butter cookies.