Ok, so we have evan and his momma in the lake. . . my boy is a beach bunny!! he would have stayed all day in the sand and the water if we'd let him! then, here are ben and evan in the tub, can you see the color of the water? sand, sand, EVERYWHERE! then, there's the big boy on his dump truck . . . . i'm sure it MUST be his, as he yelled "MINE!" every time cousin ben came near it. then, finally, the PAPA and his boys boogie boarding! well, ben and papa are on the board, evan is just boogying! ooops, one more. . . papa on the deck chillin' with his book. these are only a few. . . it wouldn't let me post anymore. . i'll have to do another post. . i am still learning, you know :) . . it was such a great time and the water was warm and the boys had a grand ole' time playing together!

i had so much fun seeing these pictures today!! :)
i'm glad you guys had such an awesome time!!
Me too! So let's go back, okay?! Yes, right now!!!
grandma o
Gosh, it looks like you guys had a blast! Sure makes me miss my family!! BUT, guess what?? We are coming home on Sept. 27!!! We will have to talk about the details in case you can come down and visit!! LOVE YOU!
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