Ok, so lately it's hard to give Evan ALL the attention he wants and needs, and sometimes I feel really bad....other times I feel bad that I can't give Grayson all of me, because Evan is so needy.....There's enough love to give, just not enough of me to spread around! Evan is adjusting really well to big brotherhood. If Grayson is crying, Evan will try to show him a toy or talk to him, without being asked....he is a big helper...always wants to cook or clean or anything to be near me or Daddy....He is hilarious and talks to everyone....he talks like he is an adult sometimes and doesn't miss an opportunity to stop someone walking by the house to find out what their name is, what they're doing, do they want to watch him do something "brilliant"....stuff like that...we even had some neighborhood girls stop by looking for Evan after he had introduced himself to them one day while we were walking....he sings himself to sleep, he wakes up singing, he sings in the shower..he loves to wrestle, but has to stop to cuddle, he needs 20 kisses and 20 hugs from mommy every night..his giggle is intoxicating...he makes me laugh so hard..he is absolutely so smart...he is such a lovebug and he is such JOY to me....a true gift from God.
I love my Evan Arvid Johnson....
that was such a sweet post.
i love evan too. :)
you are a good mommy.
You better print this off and put in his baby book. Every child needs to hear this from a parent! That was sooo sweet.
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