Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Catch Up

is not happening fully yet....but it will, I swear! I know I need to start at Christmas and move forward, I've just had a serious case of lazy/tired-itis..........

Without pics, I can tell you we had a good Christmas/New Year.....I was sick through Christmas, but it was still fun to have my parents come for a couple days...Evan LOVES having them stay at our house! We had a nice family dinner with Adam's family too....

New Year's Eve/Day was so great...Adam took me on a little getaway to Ellis Lake to stay in a cozy cabin, kid-free, for a couple days! Thank you to Grandma J(and Grandpa too) who generously agreed to ring in the New Year with a 3 year old! It was so relaxing and great to spend time with my hubby.

Aside from that, I'm getting more and more pregnant every day.....I'll be 34 weeks this Friday and I'm feeling every ounce of it....I'm tired and seem to have not a whole lot of patience these days...I know that's going to be the biggest challenge for me when #2 comes along...patience! I am praying daily for more of it! :)

Anyway, I'll post some Christmas pics soon....hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!

Oh, and this weekend the Scripps will be coming to stay with us to help celebrate my 31st BDay! Oh my goodness......31........BRING IT.


Megan said...

I am glad you enjoyed your time away with Adam. I hope you have a truly great bday and enjoy your time with Jill and her fam. Take care of yourself.

jill s said...

where were you today?!
i missed you. :)

i'm so happy for you that you got some time away!

and i can't wait to be there with you guys this weekend!

sage asked me a dozen times today how many more sleeps until we see evan + kelly. :)

Tim and Amy said...

wahoo! fun stuff! thats great you got to get away for a while w/o evan running around! :o)

can't wait to see pics.