Well, we spent the weekend at my mom and dad's house (a.

k.a. Grandma O. & Papa's house) and Evan doesn't get to see them nearly enough, so a good time was had by all! So, here are some pics of Evan and of course, Big Jack Cat, the best cat in the WHOLE world!!! Oh, and Adam took some great shots of a hungry hummingbird on their deck! Thanks Mom & Dad, love you!!!

Evan and Grandma O. catchin' some Zzzzz's
so happy you have a camera now!!!!!!!
so happy for you that you got to have a good weekend with your parents!!
beatiful hummingbird pic chica!
(what do you think about the no sweets bet again?)
Yeah new camera!! That means pics more often, right!? I am setting he standards high... No pressure though. :)
So exciting you got a new camera, just don't drop it in a swimming pool like Todd just did to our new one!! Really glad you got to spend the weekend with your family, yah!!
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