Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A little help please?

Hey ya'll!

Things are still just dandy around here...Adam and I are eating healthy and working out a lot and it feels really good!
I do, however, have one thing I could use some advice/prayers about please.
Lately, I am really struggling with missing Evan during the day. It's not that I am in any way worried about his welfare at Grandma Johnson's, I just miss him. I get him for a couple hours at night and he's turning into such a little kid, I feel like I'm missing out on the every day things that are making him who he is! Every morning, I feel a little sadder when I drop him off. Today I dropped him and he was waving bye-bye to me from the window and I just lost it. He was fine, but I wasn't. Does anyone have any good advice? If not, I'll take prayers. Life is good and I have a happy, healthy family, I'm just really struggling with this one little thing right now.


Megan said...

I have no good suggestions, because I feel the sadness and guilt daily too. They get big so fast, and missing out on the little things is something you can never get over in my opinion. I will definately pray for you. Just remember that you are ultimately working to benefit the family as a whole. Cherish those couple of evening hours that you do have with him, and he will love you all the same in the long run.

Anonymous said...

oh sweet friend.
i don't have any advice.
but just know you're in our thoughts and prayers.
i hope things get easier!

love ya.
miss ya.


The Bowman Blog said...

Hey! I just found out tonight that you have a blog too! I have been reading through, catching up a bit on your life and found this post... I will be praying for you too. I can only imagine how hard that must be.

On to reading more posts....