Oh My Goodness! We had such a fun weekend. The Scripps came over yesterday and stayed over night for Evan's party and it was so good to see all of them! Then, lots of family was over to celebrate Evan's 2nd Birthday today. . . . .2 years ago today I was. . . well. . . OUCHHHH. . and then thanking God for the absolute best thing that had ever happened to me. I am definitely doing that again tonight. . . my boy is in bed after lots of time with Grandma and Papa and Great Grammy Belle and Auntie J and Aunt Robin and Uncle Brad and Grandma and Grandpa J. . . and he just had the best day. I'm so thankful for my happy, healthy family. Adam is a fantastic Daddy and Evan is my constant joy. I just look at him and think, how can people not believe in God? Look at what He does! Anyway, I'm having a mushy moment. Great weekend. Great friends. Great family. Here are just a few pics. . all from Jill, of course. . we DID actually take some, but the downloading from the camera to the computer well, that always takes . . ya know. . kind of . . a really long time. . . so, love to all!
happy birthday to evan!
awwwww! i'm all teary eyed.
i love that little guy so much!
i swear he's cuter everytime i see him!
more pictures are coming REALLY soon!
Looks like the party was a lot of fun for Evan. Happy #2 to him! So glad you were able to celebrate his big day with lots of good friends and family.
I'm soooo sad we couldn't be there to give Evan his 2 yr spankin's!!! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time....which is good, but it makes me sick with missing you all!!!! LOVE YOU!!! Give Evan a smooch from his Auntie G.
i loved watching him run into the room full of balloons over and over again yelling, BIRTHDAY PARTY!! :)
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