Shouldn't we have 3 more months where we get to have the boy in these pictures? until we have to deal with a little speed racer boy who thinks he is in charge and likes to throw tantrums, yell NO NO NO NO NO, throw toys, and take the occasional nibble out of my leg? I'm not ready for this! Don't get me wrong, my boy is a sweet patootie a lot of the time, but what's the line from that book my momma used to read me?: "When he was good, he was very, very good, but when he was bad he was horrid!" So, I'm trying to look back on the first 21 months of life. . (okay, not the first 3 months, b/c those were BAD!) and remember that he is still my sweet boy and he'll remember that someday. . . . . soon. . . i hope. . . . . sniff. . .
by the way . . all photos courtesy of jill scripps
well i was thinking about it...
and i think sage waited until now [almost 3] to have her sassy time. so at least they're getting it over with at the same time, right?! we can hope can't we? haha. your boy is cute even when he's sassy. i love that you like all the pictures i take of you guys! :)
ohhh 2 year olds. i see it everyday! haha. sassy sassy sassy!!! You crack me up though...that quote from the book is great! and wow...jill did good with the pics
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