Monday, July 30, 2007

by jill.
to give 7 random facts about me.

i don't usually do these...but it was easy enough.

1. i secretly want to be on broadway.
2. i really love BIG dogs.
3. the inside of my left ear itches whenever i drink hot chocolate.
4. i am absolutely phobic of vomit.
5. i have an addiction to ice cream.
6. i met my hubby on eharmony.
7. i know how to clog.


Anonymous said...

You are such a crazy Aunt Kelly!! Of course, that IS why we love you...and because you can clog?>!>?!> Huh?!?!>>?!> You CLOG!!!??!?!??

See you soon! Hugs and kisses from your sweet little nephew and sister and bro-in-law! We love you all!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! your family already reads and comments on your blog!!!! that makes me happy!!! why didn't i do this for you sooner?!!!!!!??

and YOU CLOG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

so now i know what our entertainment will be tonight at dinner. haha.


Anonymous said...

I can clog too!!! At least I used to be able to clog, but I'm ancient now and other parts of my body might just clog along with me!! Oh the good 'ol days!! I'm glad you're quirky!!