We had a little family fishing fun and as it turns out, Evan really like it....Well, he likes the time he gets to spend with Daddy, asking questions, playing, telling stories....He got his own 'Batman' fishing pole and Daddy even went out and got him a fishin' boat....Okay, so the fishing boat is for him and Grandpa, but Evan went out with them on the maiden voyage on Father's Day and had a blast.
GRAYSON......he had a much better June than he did a May....anybody who reads this knows the whole story of prolonged illness and mystery, so I won't dig back in, but this happy face is a welcome sight....BUT, don't let it fool you....he is a STINKER! So strong-willed and independent, but still a giggly little love bug too....
Then, there's Mr. Big (EJ) doing the assigned 'summer activities' Mommy is trying to do to make sure we don't get stuck inside with the TV all day! He had fun doing it for a couple days, but mostly just wanted to mix all the paint together and poke and slam the paint brushes into things...my boy....it's hard too, when we can only do it when Gray is napping....maybe next year, Gray will get involved.
So, all in all, June was great. Evan finished preschool on a very happy note and the boys and I are trying to find ways to keep busy. The end of June brought a fun week at Rose Lake at a cottage Grandma and Grandpa J. got for a week. Evan had a BLAST! Met a great friend and played in the water endlessly! He is his Gramma O's boy...or fish.....Even Grayson decided the water was fun and had some floaty time!
Now, we are into July....busy...Coming Up: Razzasque Weekend, Family Reunion on the farm, Rose Lake Youth Camp for Evan....should be another fun-filled month!