We had both sets of Grandparents, Auntie J, Aunt Robin, Uncle Brad, The Scripps family...So many fantastic people and so many presents...too many...:)...he was so overwhelmed and excited!

The red dragon he'd been begging for.....

Aunt Robin and some complete baby stranger that showed up...he was pretty cute, so we decided to keep him.

Evan loving the balloons I nearly died blowing up!

And this.....though I was so excited that Evan had a great day and had so much fun with friends and family, I was looking back at the pictures and this made me cry. I have two grandmothers still alive and kicking....that is so rare and I am so blessed. Here is Grammy Belle. This woman has suffered the loss of two people in her life this summer (a long-time companion and not long after that, her son)...here she is loving on Grayson...so strong, vibrant and I am so happy that my boys are getting to know their amazing great-Grammy Belle.....They love her so much and I'm so happy she came. Great Grandma Deenie Weenie wasn't able to make it, but she was there in spirit in her yellow polka dot bikini...We missed those that were too sick or far away to make it too, but all in all a really great day!! There are more pics, but I didn't get nearly enough of Gramma O, Papa, Grandma & Grandpa J......
Thank you all for coming and celebrating my number one boy.....4 Years Old....well, this Wednesday he will be...a fact that is very confusing to him....I get two birthdays???? :)