Evan had his first day of preschool today! The drop off went great! He was excited, gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye, and went off to learn his routine! He even has his own locker! He can't quite get it open on his own, but it's pretty cute to watch him try! I had to work today so Grandma J picked him up and apparently a full day of preschool had taken its toll. My boy was in line with the other kids to be picked up, only he was face down on the floor, crying his little eyeballs out because they wouldn't let him walk home alone??? Haven't quite gotten to the bottom of this, other than, he was soooo tired....
All in all, though, he said he had fun and wants to go back tomorrow! Hopefully, he'll still feel that way in the morning!

'Opening' his locker....

Picking out his name stick to put on the lunch board.

The picture on his locker....he was eating a carrot from Daddy's garden the day they came over to take it and they thought it was hilarious, so this is what is on his locker!

Assistant teacher (and cousin in law), Mrs. Johnson, helping Evan get his name tag pinned on.... and he was off.......the beginning of the end.....I can't believe this is the same boy........

although he WAS already preparing for reading..... :) Love you, Evan....my big boy.