Everything is ______ in TEXAS!!! Nope, not bigger.....HOTTER!!! I just got back from a fabulous trip to see Gretchen, Curtis, Noah & the latest addtion....HADLEY ELISE! I left in the middle of the night on Thursday (Fri morning), drove to Flint, caught a flight to Chicago, waited there for 3.5 hours and hopped my flight to Houston, where Gretch-Cat was waiting for me! We had a fabulous weekend, just hanging out and catching up and I finally got a chance to meet Hadley! I also got some time to get to know Noah! One of the reasons I hate that we live so far away is that I feel like I don't know her kiddos, but no more! Noah is my new buddy! I can't wait for the day they move back to Midland (CURTIS!!) and Evan and Noah can be best buds! It was 95 down there on Saturday and oh my goodness! That was a "mild" day...it was so hot and humid, I was sweating through my pants! Sorry, but it's true! Gretch and I went for a walk and I nearly died....I LOVE to go for walks, but I went straight from the sidewalk, opened the gate to their pool and dove in....clothes and all! I flew back yesterday, exhausted and happy! It was a lovely weekend and a nice exercise in independence for a not usually very brave me! Thank you, Adam, for giving me the weekend off without complaint! Love you!

A rare pic of Gretch and I together, along with the cute kiddos! That's their backyard...gorgeous!

Here's Gretch...what a beauty...and what makes you want to smack her is that she's just as pretty on the inside...awwwwwww.....i know, but it's true!

Here is the sweetest little spit up queen you'll ever meet...(the picture above, not below!!)

Noah took this pic! We played monsters together and made our monster tracks in some sand!