Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Ok, I've been asked for an update and yes, the Biggest Loser competition is still in effect! Adam and I are working SO HARD! We've done a complete upheaval of our lifestyle and we both are feeling so much better. I started before the official March start date and have lost 18 pounds (since mid-Feb) as of today. I'm not exactly sure where Adam is at, but his is just since March 1st and he's lost between 15-20, so we are taking this seriously! Jim and Jill.....you're goin' down!! Ok, I'm kidding, they have both lost weight too, so it's not over yet!! Adam wouldn't let me take a before picture of him, but I'm sure at the end of all this, I'll be able to sneak an old picture and post some AFTERs as well.

Hope everyone is having a lovely week!

Monday, March 24, 2008


And, yes we took cute pictures of Evan yesterday....I'll post them soon! Hope ya'll had a Happy Easter!!

Until then, this picture is pretty cute too.


I miss them so much! They are in Texas and I want them back! Gretchen is going to be having a baby girl in May and the last time I saw her, she was barely pregnant! It's not fair. I miss her. Can you hear the whine in my voice 'cause it's there! Love you Keslers!!! Can't wait until you return to Midland and we will be oh so much closer! Until then, enjoy the sunshine and soak some up for me! Mmmmmwwwaaaaahh!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


At the end of week 1, both Team Johnson and Team Scripps did really well, with both guys losing way too much. Men suck. But, everyone is working hard and losing the poundage! Adam and I are on the treadmill nearly everyday and have done a complete overhaul on what we're eating! We had baked fish and veggies for dinner last night and it was good! Anyway, that's the update. My momma is staying at our house until tomorrow night. She is watching Evan for us while Mary is on vacation. Evan is SOOOOOO in love with his Grandma O. So excited they get some time together. AND, my sis and nephew are coming into town next week, so I'll get to spend some time with her pregnant behind too! YAY!

I realize this has been a lot of blogging with no pics and that is boring, but it's better than nothing, right?!?!? Right?!! KJ OUT.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hola Peoples...

So, I work with a lovely chickipoo named Rae. Rae is such a good person and so strong. However, her mother (who is only 65) has been diagnosed as being in the early stages of Alzheimer's and seems to be progressing abnormally quickly. They are in the midst of dr's appts, ER visits, panicked calls from mom, and Rae is the only person there for her mom, so EVERYTHING is being heaped onto her shoulders. She does not complain. She does whatever is necessary for her mom. She wakes up to confused calls from her mom and gets them all throughout the day. She deals with doctor's offices and staff, who can be and have been quite rude. She goes to her mom's house to try to explain little things and help her with financial matters. She drops everything when her mom needs something. Her mom is so confused and so upset, b/c even though she is going downhill fast, she is still aware enough to know how confused she is.... Anyway, I was just hoping anyone willing would send up some prayers for Rae and for her mom as it is all starting to catch up with her and there's just new stressors every day. From the paperwork end of things to the watching her mom look like a "terrified child" and not be able to subtract 7 from 100, Rae is just really upset and in need of prayer. Thank you for taking the time!

OH....on a personal note...big boy Evan stayed for an afternoon at a new place yesterday and was such a good boy! He only cried when I picked him up to take him home! He is there today and couldn't wait to get there! I barely got a smooch when I dropped him off. I was really worried about the whole situation, so I am so thankful for my adaptable, big boy and to Amber, for giving him her time!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A little help please?

Hey ya'll!

Things are still just dandy around here...Adam and I are eating healthy and working out a lot and it feels really good!
I do, however, have one thing I could use some advice/prayers about please.
Lately, I am really struggling with missing Evan during the day. It's not that I am in any way worried about his welfare at Grandma Johnson's, I just miss him. I get him for a couple hours at night and he's turning into such a little kid, I feel like I'm missing out on the every day things that are making him who he is! Every morning, I feel a little sadder when I drop him off. Today I dropped him and he was waving bye-bye to me from the window and I just lost it. He was fine, but I wasn't. Does anyone have any good advice? If not, I'll take prayers. Life is good and I have a happy, healthy family, I'm just really struggling with this one little thing right now.