Sunday, December 21, 2008

Big Momma's House

Soooo, we've been doing a lot of work around the house to try to get ready for baby boy number 'we' I mean everyone but me...First Grandma and Grandpa had a man come in to strip wallpaper, fix and prime walls for painting upstairs...Since then Adam and the in-laws have been working their tushies off!

I've been doing what I can, but I'm definitely limited with what I can help with....Paranoid Grandma J and Auntie Robin won't let me paint, for fear of the fumes..I love you both..and I can't move heavy stuff, for obvious, Evan and I hang out...I do what I can, which has been enough to get sore (moving books/toys/cleaning)...ANYWAY, Evan's room is pretty much done, with most of his stuff back in there, but not done enough for a picture....our room is getting closer too...some beige-y walls, with a couple that are a color called Copper Mountain....Jill, you remember our living room in our old house right?? That color....The baby's room isn't painted yet, but we're making lots of progress.....

Thank you to my great family...always there when you need them and they work so hard....we'd never get all this done without them....just a little more to go!!!!!!
There have also been a couple requests for more pictures so:

Here's Big Momma herself.....31 weeks......

Auntie Robin just getting started on our room.....Grandma J has done a lot of work since then too...

Grandma J working on Evan's room....

Silly (soon to be Evan's Uncle) Paul working on Evan's room.....Silly Uncle Paul even came on Wednesday to watch Evan while Grandma was busy....he's so great with Evan and we just love this guy!!

ON ANOTHER NOTE.....Adam got half his Christmas present on Friday.....he'd been talking about a live Maine lobster forever, and so I caved and ordered one Jumbo Dude for him! It came Friday and Adam boiled it up and even shared a little...that was the most delicious lobster EVER!! Okay, so it was only the second time I've eaten it, but yummy!!!! The best part was that Adam was actually surprised!! Not only am I a notoriously bad gift-giver, but he's a notorious SNOOP. So, I was so, so excited to see how excited Adam was!! He refuses to let me take his picture, so he got this one of me getting ready to chow!

Well, it's almost Christmas and my parents will be here Tuesday to help us celebrate...I'm so excited to have them here and for Evan on Christmas day! I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy start to the new year! Adam and I will be ringing it in kid-free in a cozy cabin in the snow in Interlochen....the last getaway for, well a long, long time! :)

Big Momma OUT.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

He's Healing....

My bruiser boy is healing's getting mighty colorful, but so much better! Thank Goodness!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Request

Add this to your list please.....

I just got word from Megan, friend and former coworker from a few years back, that her husband is really sick......
Go to their website for the full story, because it is truly one that needs prayers, prayers and more prayers...... I don't know what more I can do for their family, but I thought I'd send out a request and at least add a few links to the prayer chain..... Thanks ya'll.....

This is yet another reminder to me to be so thankful for my healthy family.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


oops! in my haste to post pics of my poor little man, i forgot to give the scoop on what happened.....

well, ruth was there watching evan, as she does on tuesdays and they were playing by the train table....well, I guess Evan went running for ruth and tripped and smacked head/eye first into the side of the train table.....

i was about 5 minutes from home and ruth called and said...."we've had an accident.....", I arrive home to the below pics....

After ruth left (feeling really bad)...I called the doc and they told me to watch for this and that and evan was completely normal (for him :) ) and so we iced it and gave motrin and waited......

this morning he woke up with a huge black eye...i'll post more pics later, b/c it looks even poor boy..he says it doesn't hurt him, he went to school today and was telling all the little ones about his ouchy....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is what I came home to today......

and it keeps getting bigger and bruisier and looks worse in person....

Sometimes being a mom makes me want to poor baby.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Light Parade

More light parade...this fish was made out of laundry detergent bottles and then covered in lights...pretty cool.
John (my sis's hubby) and Sam....

Ben and Evan having a blast at the Light Parade...

Me and my chins and my sis...

Baby Sam.....this child has a smile that lights up a room!

Grandma O and Evan before the Light Parade....they are so in love! :)

Coloring in their new coloring books from Auntie J turned into marker towers....with help from Grandma O, of course!

Popcorn Party!!!! Both boys finished huge bowl fulls!

Wrestling with Papa....


Evan and I are just settling back in at home after a weekend in Holt (Daddy had to come back Friday for work). It was such a good time with family....Evan and Ben have so much fun together...they play and play and play and fight and fight and play some more....Baby Sam is getting so big and is such a good boy.....We had way too much delicious food on Thursday and went to a light parade Friday night. Evan woke up this morning all "croupy" again......even threw up from coughing so much...HOWEVER, Delsym is a miracle cough suppressant so far...he has been amazingly better since we gave it to him this morning! I'm hoping it just goes away fast....we've just gotten over 2 weeks of sick and I am in NO WAY ready to do it all over again.....
Anyway, Grammy Belle & Hermie, Deenie Weenie, and Auntie J all came over to spend some time too....The boys kept everybody busy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catch Up

Ok, I know you can't see very well, but here is the prego pic, as requested.....26 no attention to the pale lady with bad hair, no make-up, a double chin, who looks like she hasn't slept all weekend b.c of being up with a Croupy 3 year old.....THEN, enjoy Evan at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum last week....last week? was it just last week? I can't keep track...

Okay, well, it's been an interesting, sleepless weekend....we had Evan in the ER Friday night...another case of Croup...much like the weekend baby Emerson was born...remember Jill? Anyway, he's better, but constantly coughing and coughing, so no one here has slept since around Thursday night....

BUT, in happier times, there was the children's museum with Daddy, that I promised to post pics of a while back.....see above....

So, disjointed as it may be...that is the 'catch up' post.......will take any prayers for a healthier week this week..... kj out.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Our house has fallen victim to about three different strains of the plague.....

I have a sinus infection....been sick for over a week
Adam has a really bad cold of some kind
Evan is burning up with fever and coughing.....

Anybody want to come over??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Evan and Daddy's Day Out Preview

So, Adam had the day off yesterday and decided to take Evan to GR for some children's museum fun (3 Hours worth, with Daddy having to drag him out kicking and screaming) and to see Madagascar 2 (where Evan ate an entire bag of popcorn himself)...they ended their day with a stop to play with Sagey (and for Adam to see his Jimmy, of course).....well, anyway...Jill sent these pics....we have a bunch from the children's museum on the camera at home that I will add later...but for now, how cute are these buddies? evan loves her...who wouldn't?? look at that gorgeous girl.....oooh, wait for it comes.....he's gotta do it.... SMOOOOOOOOOOOOCH!!!! Go get her, Evan!
My only problem with yesterday is that I didn't get to go along and play......
Ok, I'll post more pics of their day later.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Evan Goes to the Doctor

Evan did great at the doc today (his 3 year well child visit)….he had to get two shots at the end (flu and Hep A)…not enjoyable…but they did a vision test, where he had to hold the "spoon" over each eye and name shapes down on the door (he did so well!!!)and a hearing test where they put headphones on him and every time he heard a beep he had to put a block in a bucket….he got 100% on the hearing test….I was just impressed that he followed instructions so well…ha!

ANYWAY, he had to jump and draw a line and tell them his name and how old he was and well, anyway, he did great and best of all, his weight percentile has gone up (you were right, jill!)….he has always been in between the 2-5 % for weight and he’s up to the 25%(30 lbs)! My big boy…height is 35% (36.5 inches)...he’s usually been 35 –, he’s doing great…getting over a yucky cold, but did a great job…and only cried until he got a sucker and a sticker (don't tell his daddy that he REALLY wanted the Barbie sticker, but settled for Scooby Doo), after they gave him his shots….oh! and you know what is total poo about that??

“Oh Evan, Mommy is going to give you a pretzel hug while we give you 2 little mosquito bites”…

nice……make me hold him down and give him a lifelong mosquito phobia…I know it's in the name of good health, but man oh man…I do not like being a part of that….

ANYWAY, that’s an Evan update for today…Oh, and I went to the dentist today and he told me that he liked my teeth…..I told him they’ve grown on me over the years too….

Friday, October 31, 2008


Well, Evan had a GREAT Halloween....he was a train conductor and was so excited...yelled 'Trick or Treat' at every house and even followed up with a 'fanks' (thanks), usually unprompted....he loved looking at all the other costumes was a gorgeous night and lots of family fun!

See our spooky house below, courtesy of Adam 'Halloween' Johnson...cobwebs, giant spider, fog machine, and spooky music included...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Evan's Birthday Party!

here are a bunch of pics from evan's little b-day party as well as the next day.....they're just in the wrong order.....the morning after first and then the party after that.... :)  we had a really good day...grandma o and papa, grandma & grandpa j, uncle brad and mommy and daddy all had fun spoiling evan.......he got trains, airplanes, tube tower, puzzles, books, movies, a sport station (throw some balls in the holes).....anyway, too much stuff!!  It was a fun day and the boy is still worn out today!  Thank you to all who celebrated Evan's first 3 years!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hey ya'll...remember how a couple weeks ago...or was it just last week...that I posted a big mushy post about Evan doing so well in preschool and blah, blah....well.....he's starting to have a harder time.....I don't know if the novelty is wearing off or what....he gets really nervous before and then when we finally get there...he is so clingy and doesn't want me to leave and just so breaks my heart!

So, I guess what I'm looking for is....any tips from you pro's out there who have been there, done do I make it easier on Evan? and on ME!?!? lol......

Anyway, I have yet to hear today's report, but Monday they said they were very nearly calling me to come get, pointers? pull him out of school completely and keep him my baby?? I know, I know......

Oh, and Congrats to the Yeates on their third baby girl, born yesterday!

Saturday, October 18, 2008