Monday, November 26, 2007

TAGGED by Jill

5 Random Facts About Me . . . Hmmmmmm. . . . some of these I know I've used before. . .

1. The inside of my left ear itches when I drink hot chocolate.. . .down deep where you can't scratch and it doesn't matter how you pull on your ear or wiggle your nose. . . nothing helps!

2. I met Adam on e-harmony

3. I love to sing. . . . not saying that it sounds good, but I do it all day long. . . .ask my co-workers, and though it sounds extremely annoying, I'm gonna go ahead and call it part of my charm. :)

4. I will one day be on Wheel of Fortune. I kick butt at Wheel of Fortune. But what if I got on and then every time I spun I got Bankrupt or Lose A Turn??? I think I would never get over it!

5. I enjoy doing laundry. . . just not putting it away. . .


Friday, November 9, 2007

Still Here!!

We're all still here! Happy and Healthy. . . . . Hope the same is true for you!! I'll post more later! kj out.