Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's past my bedtime . . . .

. . . . but i just have to say what a good day we had!

jill watched evan for me this morning, so i could go to a job interview. . . the interviewer didn't show up. . . but later she called, then she did, and i'm sure she loved me. . . lol . .

anyway, evan was a good boy for jill. . i'm so very thankful she has a sense of humor about his newfound sass!

then, tonight we had a DELICIOUS dinner. . .yes, jill, the best roast ever . . at the scripps' house. we all had a great time and evan and sage had a laugh extravaganza! they were so funny! i finally had to drag both my boys out of there, so that evan could get to bed. it is so fun to hang out with such a great family! thanks again for dinner, guys!

so, more posting tomorrow, i'm sure. . . i have to go to bed and say my prayers that evan sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG!
jill, i hope both of your kids sleep 10 hours tonight. . . .each, not total. . . ha!
jill, how do i move the pictures around and make it look better? :)



Shouldn't we have 3 more months where we get to have the boy in these pictures? until we have to deal with a little speed racer boy who thinks he is in charge and likes to throw tantrums, yell NO NO NO NO NO, throw toys, and take the occasional nibble out of my leg? I'm not ready for this! Don't get me wrong, my boy is a sweet patootie a lot of the time, but what's the line from that book my momma used to read me?: "When he was good, he was very, very good, but when he was bad he was horrid!" So, I'm trying to look back on the first 21 months of life. . (okay, not the first 3 months, b/c those were BAD!) and remember that he is still my sweet boy and he'll remember that someday. . . . . soon. . . i hope. . . . . sniff. . .
by the way . . all photos courtesy of jill scripps

Monday, July 30, 2007

by jill.
to give 7 random facts about me.

i don't usually do these...but it was easy enough.

1. i secretly want to be on broadway.
2. i really love BIG dogs.
3. the inside of my left ear itches whenever i drink hot chocolate.
4. i am absolutely phobic of vomit.
5. i have an addiction to ice cream.
6. i met my hubby on eharmony.
7. i know how to clog.

God Bless the Broken Road

here's the hubby, adam. i'm so thankful for him and for second chances in life and love.

i can't stop posting!


as long as we're talking about true friends. . . i cannot neglect to mention the one that moved to texas this month. i miss her. i miss her. i miss her. i don't have a good picture of her, but i still miss her. she has been my friend since age 3 and she knows EVERYTHING about me. 2 years better go by FAST! can you see her on this map? i'm sure she's there waving to me!

i have a blog!

how do you know when you have a true friend?

she knows you so well that she stops waiting for you to do something and just does it herself for your own good. :)

anyway, yay! thanks to jill, the johnson family now has a blog! i have no idea what will come of it, but you can count on some crazy stuff, silly stuff, boring stuff and sappy stuff too. . . lots of stuff. i have a tendency to write spur of the moment poetry which often is about things in my day and quite odd at times. . . i also am fairly moody, so this may just be your new favorite soap opera! :) anyway, i don't even know what this is going to look like when i post it. . . so, i'll learn as i go! so excited! thank you jill, for forcing me to be me!

she now has a blog.

and she'll post often for us all.
funny evan stories.
funny adam stories.
just remember i'll be reading this kelly.
no trash talk about me. :)